Devotions and Resources
Jesus and The Easter Bunny: A True Story
Here is a little secret about me: I was once an Easter bunny—and I used to believe that Jesus was like the Easter Bunny. A nice holiday character but not a historical figure. Certainly not God. But a friend’s boldness and one special book convinced me that Jesus is and was real. And unlike a teenager wearing an Easter Bunny costume, Jesus is exactly who he portrays himself to be…
Exercise These Muscles Properly to Prevent Greater Fatigue
Those of us with chronic pain rest and use heating pads to deal with muscle aches. But there are some muscles that rarely get rest and the way we use them can cause deep fatigue. What are those muscles? The eight (yes, I looked it up!) muscles in your tongue. Your speech can drain or uplift you—and you are the only one who can control the words you speak…
Does God’s Miraculous Power Still Operate Today?
Have you ever asked, “God, why haven’t You healed me yet?” Perhaps you even wonder if God still performs miracles. Both God’s Word and life experience have taught me that God’s miraculous power operates in many ways…
What Can God’s Love Do For A Hurting Heart?
I do not create a mindset of healing when I plaster the walls of my mind with thoughts about how someone has hurt me . This type of thinking only creates a well-decorated pity-party!
God loves us too much to leave us alone in a pity-party of our own making. He invites us to a different kind of party; He invites us to a love feast!
If You Are Sick, Weary, and Exhausted—These Scriptures Might Surprise You!
Have you been sidelined by health issues that keep you from pursuing the life you would like to lead? Then you’ll understand the inner torment of David's exhausted mighty men. This Scripture passage will restore and comfort your spirit.
Abundant Life During Illness: The Radio Interviews
If you have health issues, you won’t want to miss my radio interview with Jennifer Jackson of Simply for Women. You can listen here to discover:
How can I find joy while living in debilitating pain? Does my illness mean that the “abundant life” is not really for me? Do my health issues mean that God is punishing me? How do I move beyond a doctor’s surgical error?…..and more.
Rediscover the Kindness That Matters the Most
If God seems distant or your prayers haven’t yet been answered the way you had hoped—then rediscover the Lord’s kindness towards you. God’s lovingkindness softens hearts that are hardened by sin and sorrow so we can be filled with true peace.
Your Guide to Shining Like a Star During Illness
How is it possible to shine like a star amid the realities of illness? When the heat of your trials and the pressure of your pain make you hold firmly to Jesus you will be changed and transformed—and the glory of the Lord will shine in and through your life. But shining brightly does something other than illuminate the world around us—it actually does something for us…
My Embarrassing Shark Story—And How Perfect Love Really Does Cast Out Fear
Are you afraid of sharks? I am. Or I was. You might think, "Sharks? Why should I be afraid of them? I don't even swim!" But we all have fears, and sometimes we don't even realize what they are until we encounter them. Fears can entrap us like sharks circling and ready to strike.
How Putting on the Brakes Can Save a Life
Do you think Christianity is about following restrictive rules? In Jesus Christ, God says yes to freedom, yes to forgiveness, and yes to a new life as His child. He says yes to empowering you with the Holy Spirit and yes to helping you become all He created you to be, both now and for eternity.